Simmons University

Steps for cross-registration for students registered at Simmons University:

  1. Students should discuss taking the course with their graduate advisor if they want it to count toward their degree requirements.

  2. Once accepted into a course, send an email to the Simmons Gender/Cultural Studies Program Director, Suzanne Leonard, and to the GCWS Program Manager indicating that yes, you would like to be formally enrolled in the course.

  3. *Important* If you’ve enrolled in a placeholder course in case you are not accepted to the GCWS seminar, you need to drop the placeholder course within 7 days of the start of the semester, otherwise you will be charged for that class. Please play close attention to Simmons semester start dates as they occasionally do not line up with the start dates of GCWS classes.

  4. At the close of the course, your grade will be sent by the GCWS Program Manager to the Simmons GCS Program Director who will send them to the registrar.

  5. Note that students who are planning to finish a degree the semester in which they are enrolled in a GCWS course have to contact the GCWS Program Manager and the course instructors at the beginning of the semester with their graduation and grade deadline date. The grade deadlines of both institutions may not coincide and, depending on the semester, these students may need to submit work for early evaluation by the instructors in order to graduate on time.

Christian Matyi