Laura Frader

Laura Frader is Professor of History and the Chair of the History Department at Northeastern. She specializes in French social and labor history and European women's and gender history. and has written extensively on these topics. Her publications include Gender and Class in Modern Europe (co-edited with Sonya O. Rose, 1996), and Peasants and Protest: Agricultural Workers, Politics and Unions in the Aude, 1850-1914 (1991),Race in France: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Difference (with Herrick Chapman) and Breadwinners and Citizens: Gender in the Making of the French Social Model (forthcoming), as well as many articles in English and French-language journals. Her articles and review essays have appeared in the  International Review of Social History, the Journal of Social History, Signs, History and Theory, Social Science History, and Social Politics, as well as in several French language journals. She has served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Modern History, French Historical Studies and French Politics, Culture and Society.

In addition to her position at Northeastern, Professor Frader is a Senior Associate at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University and is a founding member of the Graduate Consortium in Womens' Studies at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. She has held visiting professorships at the Ecole des Hautes etudes en Sciences sociales in Paris, at the University de Paris VIII, and at the University of Aston, Birmingham, UK.