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Feminist Inquiry

Feminist Inquiry

Location: MIT

Thursdays 3:30-6:30PM

Exact Dates TBA

This course is an interdisciplinary exploration of ways of feminist thinking, knowing, listening, and speaking in the interest of producing scholarship that instigates change. Together we will grapple with feminist approaches, theories, and epistemologies that form the intellectual bases necessary to conduct feminist research both within and across the disciplines.

Given the range and diversity of feminist inquiry, the course will not attempt to survey the field but will instead offer an opportunity to look closely at a carefully curated selection of key writing—some influential, ‘classic’ articulations and some more current, ‘cutting edge’ work that takes up, contests, or reformulates the questions that shape feminist scholarship, a body of knowledge that continues to evolve in new directions, addressing a variety of urgent issues even as it probes its own history.

Please note: This course will end on 12/19/2019, which is when students will deliver their final presentation. There will be no class on 12/12/2019.


Chris Bobel

Chris Bobel is Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her scholarship lies at the intersection of social movements, gender, health, embodiment, and a new area---trauma and grief. Her most recent monograph is the book The Managed Body: Developing Girls and Menstrual Health in the Global South. Read more about Chris’s work here.

Sonia hofkosh

Sonia Hofkosh is Associate Professor of English at Tufts University, where she teaches 19th C Anglophone literature, Feminist Science Fictions, and the intersection of literary, visual, and material culture. She is the author of Sexual Politics and the Romantic Author, co-editor of Romanticism, Race, and Imperial Culture 1780-1834, and editor of a forthcoming volume on Mary Wollstonecraft and the persistence of feminism.